Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Lovely Bones

Her Lovely Bones 
With one member gone, the family is not whole.
You can grasp to one another,
or run away into a world all by yourself.

But when you step outside an dlook up to the light,
there's a connection that will never be broken. 

A life that ended, too early to be right,
in suffereing she died and put up a fight.
To a man that still remains unknown,
it's scary to know he's still out there, alone.

A hand that you will never get to hold,
of Susie Salmon,
A life led wrong that will never be experienced.

Her bones kept in a box, locked away,
the only evidence left are
Her Lovely Bones. 

      One member gone, the family should grow closer together.  But are they?  The Lovely Bones is a book (that was turned into a movie) by Alice Sebold.  Susie Salmon, 14, was raped and then killed and the murderer remains unknown.  But I have been noticing different things about relationship between the family members.  Some are growing closer together, and others just farther apart.  I wrote about the relationshp between the families, the connection that some members still have with Susie, Susie's murder and the guy who did it and her Lovely Bones.  I felt these were all important topics that so far describe the book in parts.  And when I put all of them together, it flowed and gave you flash backs of events.

      The relationships that I was referring to that were growing closer together was Lindsay and her father's.  They have been helping eachother out, without even speaking.  The ones that were distancing are the mother's from the rest of the family.  She always seems way out there, and even cheated on her husband with Len Fenerman, the head police chief.  Susie's dad still has a connection to Susie, he feels her presence and talks to her.  He tells her that he is going to find the man who killed her.  The man who did it, is still out there, not found yet.  Susie suffered and tried to fight him off but its didn't work.  Susie's bone are locked away and in abox, with the rest of her parts that her murderer kept.  Susie will never be able to expereience life and family and just the joy of living.  You know why?  Because Susie was killed and she's gone, for good.

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