Saturday, April 14, 2012

Test Prep: Break HW #3

      Titanic.  The first thing you think of? Not the event but the incredible movie.  As you know, the movie just came out in 3D after 18 years after it came out.  In the "Titanic 3D" Review article, Josh Travers explains that Titanic 3D was a brillant movie and is no even better in 3D.  John Travers addresses many things about the movie itself and the acting and directing and I stringly agree with all of it.
      I agree with Josh Gravers where he explains, "Winslet won a deserved Oscar nomination; DiCaprio did not. Now more than ever, the snub seems wrong-headed."  Kate Winslet played rose and Leonardo DiCaprio played Jack.  Leonardo DiCaorio did not recieve an Oscar Nomination even though he wad the main character of the movie and the "spirit" of the movie that shone through.  he was young, vibrant and entertaining and was a big part of the movie, as Josh mentioned.  I agree with him, in which they weren't fair to give him a nomination. 

      In addition, I agree with Josh Travers when he states, "From the moment the largest floating object ever built hits that iceberg, we are confronted with images that still leave jaws dropping in wonder that, yes, movies can do this."  I agree that movies cna do this.  Movies can make you feel something and experience something new.  James Cameron, the director, built a replica of the ship and that is why you can feel these things.  They were so real and it was as if oyu were there.  You can also feel this and a feeling of being startled because of the harsh images, especially in 3D.  So I agree with his statement that images in movies can make you feel somehting strong.

      This article/ review let me think differently and deeply about different about different components of a movie, specifically, "Titanic."  I agreed with different statements that Josh Gravers wrote baout pertaining to this movie.  This movie pusged acting and art and beauty to the limit and off of the edge and I agree with everything good that can possibly be said about this movie because as Josh Gravers described, this movie gets to you. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Test Prep: Break HW #2

      Plagiarism.  We all know what it is.  We've all seen it and we all have probably done it once before.  It may have been accidental or intentional.  But it is wrong.  And it should not be done.  In Ms. Galang's blog reponse, what the student did wrong was that he copied word for word text from a source but did not put it in quotes nor add the source, he acted like he wrote it when he didn't.  To include the source correctly, he could have put it in quote and wrote the source in parenthesis or at the bottom; he could have introduced the source first or he could have simply paraphrased it.  

      The student could have included the text information like this: Some features of this painting are exaggerated.  But this happens to be a relateable scene.  Many poeple feel comfortable and at with this scene also.  In  "A Brief Understanding of the Starry Night Paintings," the author (unknown), explains " There is a peaceful essence flowing from the structures. Perhaps the cool dark colors and the fiery windows spark memories of our own warm childhood years filled with imagination of what exists in the night and dark starry skies. The center point of the town is the tall steeple of the church, reigning largely over the smaller buildings. This steeple casts down a sense of stability onto the town, and also creates a sense of size and seclusion.To the left of the painting there is a massive dark structure that develops an even greater sense of size and isolation."   Then at the end, he could have included the website.  This would have been easy and the person would have gotten full credit.  

      Some people think that plagiarism is unavoidable.  But you CAN avoice plagiarism.  One way to avoid plagiarizing is simply putting quotes around the copied information and put the source in parenthesis.  The second way is to paraphrase.  But not just simply paraphrase because you pay put the same exact words or simlar words.  So, you can read the source once and then close the book or minimize the web page and summarize the information you just read the best you can from what you remember.  You will not remember it word for word so its easy.  The last way you can avoid plagiarism is by not being lazy and just thinking to yourself, what if someone did that to you?  And don't you want to deserve the grade you get for your work, not someone else's?  Your conscience should soon kick in.  Please don't plagiarize because soon it will become a habit and it will hurt yourself in the end.     

Monday, April 9, 2012

Test Prep: Break HW #1

      As I was skimming through the list of very detailed blogs, two of them caught of my eye.  The first one was Isablel Arriaga's.  It was about Romeo and Juliet and she was questioning if they really love eachother.  That was quite a shock to me so I kept reading.  At first I didn't believe it but she provided me with several bits of text evidence.  Some were directly from the book and some were paraphrased.  For example, she uses details from act 1 and act 2 in the first paragraph where Romeo is talking all about Juliet's beauty.  She incorporated the lines from the text corrrectly and included a lot of it.  The second things that I liked was her deep thoughts.  She included deep thoughts that she elaborated on, based on her quotations.  I like how she connected her thoughts to the real world to explain what she meant.  She also ended with a question to leave the reader thinking.  This was a very powerful and well thought out response.

      The second blog that I thought was very well written was Michelle Wong's.  Her response was a poem and description on her book, Luna.  I have never read the book before so it was new to me.  One of the first things that I noticed and liked was something in her poem: the figurative and descriptive language.  I felt connected to Liam and started to understand and feel the way he did based on her descriptions.  She compared being trapped to other things to, using metaphors and similies.  In addition, I noticed and liked something about the format.  She put important words in bold.  This made me think that in the book, these words came up a lot and were important to the character so it made me think and reread the sentence.  Overall, this response was very well crafted.

      I enjoyed reading both of these responses becuase they were both interesting and well thought out.  These blogs made me think about my own blogs.  What can I do to improve mine?  Well, the first thing that I want to do is include more text evidence.  I feel that I always paraphrase the text instead of including direct quotations.  I should start including direct quotes because it is helpful yet also good practice on how to include quotes correctly.  The second thing that I want to do which I noticed in both responses is be more personal.  Instead of being so general, connect it to life and maybe to me so then I can elaborate more and have more meaning and description to my writing.  These wonderful responses written by Michelle and Isable were very good to read and they helped me realize things about my blogs.